Would territory owners entertain this offer
Give me 20k sats and I'll post exclusively on your Territory for a month granted the posting fee remains 100 and I create at least 2 posts a day.
Would be cool to have something like a cowboy hat that represents you didn't screw over another stacker in one of those deals.
Territory owners would outsource the content curation to stackers that are incintivized to post pertinent and valuable information to freaks.
I wonder if a stacker enthused with legos, would like being approached by the lego territory, handing him 20k sats and telling him to post twice a day for a month.
I'd pay a Nix expert to post and conduct AMA's and whatnot
A territory economics update along with the referral update would probably make the above look juicier.
It feels like it's perfectly healthy to do that outside of the territory itself. Sponsorships, exclusivity contracts, and other deals in that vain would be interesting!
Thought about something along these lines for ~UFOs, to encourage high quality writeups on cases and start an archive here on SN.
You'd get a tinfoil hat instead lol!